History & Founding

Shorinji Kempo originated in 1947 in the Japanese town of Tadotsu. Shorinji by Kempo's founder So Doshin (Kaiso). Kaiso, following Japan's defeat at the end of the Second World War, saw the importance and impact that individuals' character has on those around them and society. In fact, he noticed that "everything depends on the quality of the person."

Upon his return to Japan, Kaiso dedicated the rest of his life to educate the youth. Because the youth were the future, he had to them train to build up unconquerable spirits, sturdy bodies, confidence and courage, and cultivate leaders.

To construct a world that everyone would want to live in, he took the Chinese and Japanese martial arts that he had mastered and reformulated them into single, unique technical structure called Shorinji Kempo however, Shorinji Kempo is more than a martial art or a method of fighting. It is a philosophy and that is rooted in the teachings of the Historical Buddha and the teachings of Boddhidharma.